I am Marilyn. I am a year 7 student at Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand. I am in the Tongan Bilingual class TALAMUKA-'A-TONGA in Room 5 and my teacher is Mrs. Tafea
Monday, December 2, 2019
the weekends
One Beautiful saturday. me and my family went to a Beautiful Wedding.we went so early because we had to set up the wedding. and Wait Until the people come when all the people came to the wedding the wedding was Starting the dj play tongan song and all of the Ladies were Dancing. After the song all of the kids went outside to look at the Helicopter because the wedding people was in the helicopter their names were lia and mote then we had some food. after we had our food lia and her dad were dance then it was lia and mote turn to dance.after their dance we pack up and Left and went back home. when we got home we went to sleep. then after our sleep we got Ready for Church
Then my mum drop me and my nana off to church. then we ate after we ate my mum pick us up from church then we went back home.
Monday, October 21, 2019
the alphabet challenge
On tuesday 22 October 2019 rm 7 played the alphabet challenge.miss ashley explained how to play the game then she told us to get in 3 grouper .after we went to our 3 grouper. we got our pappers my grouper was tisharn and nurul. on the pepper was the alphabet miss ashley put 3 columns = 3 rounds = 3 topics = 3 min each rounds.
Then miss ashley put a timer on her laptop. the timer was 3 min after miss ashley put on the timer she told us the topics the first topics was placed then the Second topics was moves Title then the Third one was Fruits after we are done miss ashely told us to swap with the other group we swap with these three boys.
When we swap we had to mark their paper miss ashley said the alphabet then rm 7 said the Words after we mark the paper then we had to Writing 6
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
all about me
Hi my name is marilyn and I am 9 years old. I go to tamaki primary school I have 2 sisters and 1 brother i have three friend there name are junefia janett and helena out of my friend i like junefia she us my bff janett is my best best friend also i have another friend her name is langola she is my best friend also I love my family because they make me food and buy me new shoes. Also helena is best best best friend. I am in Room 7.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Roy lichtenstein
Roy lichtenstein born in 1923 in New York. He went to ohio state University , State University of New York at Oswego , and Rutgers University.He was taught as a teacher Ohio Statu his art were called pop art.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Monday, August 19, 2019
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
crostic peom
Zoom across african plains
Eat lot of grass
Beats animals in a race
Run medium
All of their favourite colour stripes
By marilyn
Sunday, July 21, 2019
animals kingdom
New words from animal kingdom reading
Monday’s reading
Organism - a living thing
Vertebrate - has a spine
Invertebrate - has no spine
Taxonomy - a way to group things
Diverse - a big range
Amphibians -
Heterotrophic - means they must find and eat food
Primates (apes, monkeys)
Rodents (rats, squirrels)
Cetaceans (dolphins, whales)
Marsupials (kangaroos, koalas)
Monotremes (egg laying mammals like the platypus)
Autotrophic - make their own food by photosynthesis
Photosynthesis - how plants make their own food
Vascular - uses roots to absorb water
Nonvascular - uses the whole plant to absorb water
Decompose, decomposition - to break down
Non-flowering - no flowers
Thermophiles - (root word is thermo which is about temperature)
Big ideas from the reading
All living things are called organisms.
They are organised into 6 groups called kingdoms. Each group has certain characteristics that each organism must have.
Can move on their own
Are heterotrophic (can’t make their own food)
Must eat to survive
Vertebrates and invertebrates
They are Autotrophic (they make their own food)
Some are vascular and nonvascular.
If a plant has seeds or fruit, it is a flowering plant.
Are made up of just one cell. They are everywhere. Some bacteria are good and some are bad.
Bacteria called decomposers break down dead plants and anacteria.
Can survive where no other organism can live.
Thermophiles, methanogens and halophiles
Say it fun guy
Mushrooms are a fungi
They are heterotrophic (can’a make their own food)
Use enzymes to break down food
Are related to either plants, animals or fungi (one of them, not related to all of them at the same time)
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Matariki is a Maori new years also matariki is all about whānau to gather together. Their is seven star their names are waita waita waipuna- a- rangi uru- a- rangi matariki tupu- a- rangi tupu- a- nuku.
Thursday, June 20, 2019
Dialogue - told from another POV. fisherman/dad looking up at her.
Intro - she almost falls and screams, someone in the water hears her and looks up.
Orientation - Elizabeth Bella Levedes
Hazel eyes, favourite sport is netball, liked dragonfruit, has blonde hair, tanned, loves climbing, Maori, tall, 19 year olds, personal trainer at CityFitness, McDonalds, Christchurch.
Problem: her hand slips and she dangles from the cliff, almost falls off.
Solution: swings around and is able to climb back up. When she gets to the top.
Conclusion - told from another POV.
“Ahhhhhh” screamed a distant voice. John turned towards the noise and squinted in an attempt to see where the noise had come from. He couldn’t see from his position on the ocean, but the scream had come from the cliff face. He wondered if anybody needed help, but knew there was nothing he could do.
Elizabeth Bella Levedes opened her hazel eyes to her pitch black bedroom - her purple curtains were open but the sun had not yet risen. She stretched out her long limbs which felt tired from the gym yesterday. Her personal training business was really starting to pick up. She stood up, rubbed the sleep out her eyes, tying her blonde hair up in a ponytail and stumbled towards her wardrobe. On went the black leggings, on went the dark green t-shirt, on went the climbing shoes, on went the beanie. She mumbled to herself “I don’t know if that Big Mac for dinner was a good idea....” She grabbed some apricot muesli bars and walked out to her car. Trusty old Honda civic. She turned on the engine, trying to be quiet, and drove towards Mt Doom.
Putting on her harness, she felt confident and strong. She clipped herself into the carabiner and put her left foot onto the rock. Left foot, right foot, left arm, right arm, over and over. After an hour of climbing she stopped for a rest. She pulled out one of her favourite apricot muesli bars from her backpack and munched on it, staring out at the horizon. She could see a small fishing boat cruising around the lagoon. The sun was starting to peek out over the top of an island, creating a stunning radial effect. It made her soul happy. After ten minutes of admiring the view, she got ready to climb again. She stood up quickly and her left foot slipped on some loose rocks. Her heart leapt out of her chest as she scrambled to grab on again. Her pink painted fingernails scratched against the cliff face to in a vain attempt to grip something - anything! Sweat was rolling down her forehead and her heart was thumping. Her arms were tired and she slipped down the cliff face. 2 meters down, arms still trying to grip onto the cliff. 5 meters down, still nothing. She fell 20 meters before her rope caught her weight and she dangled on the cliff face, clinging to the rope that had just literally saved her life.
“Ahhhhhh” screamed a distant voice. John turned towards the noise and squinted in an attempt to see where the noise had come from. He couldn’t see from his position on the ocean, but the scream had come from the cliff face. He wondered if anybody needed help, but knew there was nothing he could do.
Elizabeth Bella Levedes opened her hazel eyes to her pitch black bedroom - her purple curtains were open but the sun had not yet risen. She stretched out her long limbs which felt tired from the gym yesterday. Her personal training business was really starting to pick up. She stood up, rubbed the sleep out her eyes, tying her blonde hair up in a ponytail and stumbled towards her wardrobe. On went the black leggings, on went the dark green t-shirt, on went the climbing shoes, on went the beanie. She mumbled to herself “I don’t know if that Big Mac for dinner was a good idea....” She grabbed some apricot muesli bars and walked out to her car. Trusty old Honda civic. She turned on the engine, trying to be quiet, and drove towards Mt Doom.
Putting on her harness, she felt confident and strong. She clipped herself into the carabiner and put her left foot onto the rock. Left foot, right foot, left arm, right arm, over and over. After an hour of climbing she stopped for a rest. She pulled out one of her favourite apricot muesli bars from her backpack and munched on it, staring out at the horizon. She could see a small fishing boat cruising around the lagoon. The sun was starting to peek out over the top of an island, creating a stunning radial effect. It made her soul happy. After ten minutes of admiring the view, she got ready to climb again. She stood up quickly and her left foot slipped on some loose rocks. Her heart leapt out of her chest as she scrambled to grab on again. Her pink painted fingernails scratched against the cliff face to in a vain attempt to grip something - anything! Sweat was rolling down her forehead and her heart was thumping. Her arms were tired and she slipped down the cliff face. 2 meters down, arms still trying to grip onto the cliff. 5 meters down, still nothing. She fell 20 meters before her rope caught her weight and she dangled on the cliff face, clinging to the rope that had just literally saved her life.
all adout marilyn
All about marilyn
Marilyn like to play netball.
Marilyn love her family.
Marilyn like dogs.
Marilyn lives in new zealand.
P1 family
P2 tamaki primary
P3 friend
Marilyn love her family because they make food for her.
Tamaki primary school is a primary school. their is 220 students in tamaki primary school.
Marilyn friend are kind helpful
They help marilyn on her work.
On tuesday 14 may 2019 tamaki primary school went to the museum also my mum and marlene mum came to. miss ashley put in to group with my mum and marlene mum then we went to the bus .when got there we took some photos. then we went inside when we got in inside first thing we did is we had launch then we went inside first thing was the volcano there was a house that we can go in me and my mum went inside it there was tv it was telling us what happen in new zealand .
CHIMAERAS has 2 different names it is called ghost shark and spookfish. a chimaeras has smooth skin with no scales its big eyes have reflective layer at the back just like a cat .so it can see in the dark a chimaeras have a poisonous spine on their backs by marilyn
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