On tuesday 22 October 2019 rm 7 played the alphabet challenge.miss ashley explained how to play the game then she told us to get in 3 grouper .after we went to our 3 grouper. we got our pappers my grouper was tisharn and nurul. on the pepper was the alphabet miss ashley put 3 columns = 3 rounds = 3 topics = 3 min each rounds.
Then miss ashley put a timer on her laptop. the timer was 3 min after miss ashley put on the timer she told us the topics the first topics was placed then the Second topics was moves Title then the Third one was Fruits after we are done miss ashely told us to swap with the other group we swap with these three boys.
When we swap we had to mark their paper miss ashley said the alphabet then rm 7 said the Words after we mark the paper then we had to Writing 6