Molo lele and greeting to you all. This story is all about me and all about me is When you tell people what colour your Favourite food. is, what your favourite sport is, how old you are And what school you go to. and this my story about all aout me.
Molo lele and my name is marilyn and i am 9 years old my birthday is on july 26 2010. I go to tps that stand for tamaki primary school. I have two sisters and one brother. My mum and dad's names are Eddie and Anna. My favourite food is macaroni and cheese and also my favourite colour is blue and red. My favourite sibling is my little brother. I like my little brother because he screams and shouts and likes watching cars. My mum is 38 turn 39 on January 30 my dad age is 40 turn 41 on the 8th of may. I have black hair, brown eyes and brown skin. My little sister Tina has black hair black or brown eyes, brown skin and she likes playing roblox. The oldest is vaiola she has long black and brown hair she has brown eyes she likes playing call of duty. My mum has black short hair and she has black eyes. She likes saving money and making it so that our house is clean. My dad has black hair and black eyes he cooks for our family. i am very Grateful that i have a family.
hope you enjoy my all about me.